Latest Episodes

Living Paycheck to Paycheck on $250,000+
Whether it's increased expenses, mindless spending or more, high income earners can still find themselves in tight financial straits. Check out the episode for...

What Does It Mean When You're "Behind" In Retirement Planning?
It's easy to watch and read stories in financial media that lead you to believe you'll always be behind the eight ball when it...

Brenton (and his parents') Money Story
For our first #MyMoneyStory, I figured I would tell you ... MY money story! Well, really, my parents' story. And I invited them to...

Breaking Financial Barriers w/Dr. Ted Klontz
Join us for our first #AskTheExpert interview with Dr. Ted Klontz, author of Mind Over Money, who shares how to break out of financial...

Money Disorders + How Childhood Affects Your Money Story
Studies have shown that a significant portion of our thoughts about money are formed before we're 10 years old. Join us as we talk...

Why New Money Leads To New Problems
Join us for the premiere of the New Money New Problems Podcast! In this introductory episode, we'll share more about the why, the what...